You'll be happy to know that the charges against Alec were dismissed with prejudice based on misconduct from state investigators.
It's been in the party platform since 1984. That year, they passed language saying they stood for an "amendment to the Constitution and...
Also softening the stance on same-sex marriage. They took out that marriage is only "between one man and one woman" and replaced it with promoting...
It's still there. Renamed in honor of GatorGrowl. Look for GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators on the list.
Easy? You mean the congress with a 12% approval rating? A bunch of do-nothings? Lol The congress in 1975 passed 649 laws. 713 in 1987, 500 in 2004...
Why? It's not a surprise to me that he lost a step, so I disagreed with it. I have also never said that Joe was "as sharp as ever" so I disagreed...
I don't think she wanted to acknowledge them and was just trying to put on a good face, whether right or wrong.
They mixed up his uppers and downers....
It has turned into such a trench mentality that voters are not going to all of a sudden switch because of a debate. The only things to consider...
That's a good way of putting it. What I meant was overall it's a loss for both in that neither side is going to budge on how they were going to...
Isn't it until 11? It feels like 11am tomorrow already.
Only a hard-line fringe partisan with blinders on would say this. They both lost and so did the American people.
Exactly. And in fairness, Trump said that if elected, Biden would crash both the stock market and employment numbers, but that was just like his...
That's one thing I was wondering about. Trump has been in his rally bubble for 4 years (and then some) and he definitely doesn't know how to...
Yeah, I watched the first 15 or 20 minutes and it was unbearable. The main thing I saw is Trump is so crazed up on crack that he looks like he's...
It's really astonishing that the supposed lead country of the free world is about to be helmed by either of these two for 4 more years. One is a...
I'm surprised we have anyone left in this country after Trump has said 30 times that everyone is dying everywhere. Are we actually alive on this...
He should because all he's doing is lying and rambling and yelling like a grandpa about 16 economists after the question was about immigration.
Cults can't give up power and control over their subjects. We understand.
"Tell" your wife? Lol What if she told you no? I'm sure you'd abide by her word, yes?