JD Vance. He has been practicing his Trumpian non sequitur responses.
Harris will have to address and bring some degree of comfort about her “root cause” mission on border security. I am not convinced she would be...
I am not sure anything is absolute at this point with this SCOTUS.
I could see that line of thinking or the proverbial slippery slope. A state could ban all non-state sponsored religions. The rub is states would...
Yes! This is the entire purpose of the people over a monarch. It is baffling what the Court has done.
My suspicion is the end goal is to 1) challenge Brown v Board and 2) redefine that the Establishment and Free Exercise clause are “federalism” and...
To me, the point is that Alito and Thomas potentially retiring early in a Trump second term only to be replaced by an 50ish age ideological...
White House Counsel gonna get some sweet cash to sit on their ass. Does this immunity extend to others? So if the President orders something,...
For the lawyers here (@GatorBen, @gator_lawyer, @VAg8r1), is Skidmore v Swift just pushing us back to a situation where the Judiciary is going to...
Roger Federer’s speech was apolitical and arguably more thought provoking. [MEDIA]
I thought Congress passed a law that the President couldn’t unilaterally withdraw? Agree the President can do other things to make it painful.
We are watching the actions with pure intention to reverse Brown v Board of Ed and move back to separate but equal. stop lying Republicans and...
I can’t take this thread seriously. The golden rule, the 10 commandments, a list of morality constructs for a generation that can’t wipe their...
I struggle with this topic. Juneteenth is the emergence from a great evil. But that evil was replaced by a long and protracted vision of two...
^ bingo. Charter schools are like gerrymandering. You get to pick your constituents.
The citizenry might unite from an existential threat of AI / job loss and economic collapse. The question is how resilient and in what timeline...
Government issued Soma should solve the problem.
Hochul pardon, US citizenship renounced, and banished to Scotland with unlimited golf.
So be it. If these Democrats, Republicans, Independents, etc. have violated the law, let’s enforce the laws on the books and hold them all...
depends on the source… articles have suggested Gen X spends twice as much as Boomer. Millennials are apparently three times more than Boomer and...