I had a friend who graduated from UM. He said if UF was playing Satan and his demons he would be in the stands wearing red waving a pitchfork. If...
There is a non zero chance UF wins the natty. I will cling to that minute possibility as long as the possibility exists. The longer I cling the...
As someone who worked for a remodeler as a young man I can verify that this is true. It was unbelievable how dense the old wood was. Also, back...
I'm not a car guy but isn't the Ford Maverick a hybrid pick up? Would you do it just to see if you could or is there something wrong with the Ford?
We have a system that has worked for my whole life. They are planning to abandon that system for one that is not at the present time feasible and...
I have a problem believing that you truly believe that 46.8% of the voting citizens of the U.S.A. in 2020, and according to recent polls a...
Great line from the article. Next to their characterizations, “basket of deplorables” sounds almost quaint, and many readers may find guilty...
I don't have any experience with Ireland but when I'm in England I don't see U.S. beers. They may be available but I've never seen a local drink...
I've got several invoking Obama and generic Republicans but none invoking Biden or Trump. I do wonder what lists I'm on.
Love it
No one will criticize your writing. That is certain.
I understand that you hate Trump and his supporters like Ahab hated a certain whale. I don't care. I was just trying to use schadenfreude and...
The article is an incoherent mess. It's premise is strange. Schadenfreude is the good feeling you have when something bad things happen to your...
If we had statemen or women how did we end up here is the question that would have been debated the last 8 years. The idea of electing Trump was...
That response is equal in cogency to the original.
The majority of the senate is Democrat. Twenty-four governors are Democrats. The current VPOTUS is Democrat. In your mind it is the GOP's fault...
I know; but before my daughter moved there I would have presumed they, and every European countries, had more free speech rights than Russia.
My daughter lives in the U.K. and as a consequence I keep abreast of U.K. news. It is explicitly illegal to engage with women having an abortion....
WSJ article used the OP's quote as a starting point. It's informative....
This is scandalous! Kentucky copying California?! It's an outrage! California: Kissing Cousins: The States Where Marrying Your Relative Is Legal...