Especially the basketball
Picture of entire season tonight ….. can’t pitch or hit 1 night …. Can’t hit but pitch 1 night…. Can’t pitch but hit 1 night … little of both...
This has been our season in this 1 inning …. All year
Really I thought it was …. I’m not that stupid
If any of those pitchers are being paid NIL money, that needs to stop now … fire them ….
They will put 15-20 on us 1 of the next 2 games
Give them the last 2 games and work on finding some pitchers… run a bunch off and it’s not the new 1s the old 1s are even worse
This pitching staff is a joke… we don’t need to be in tourney
thought I heard that also
Damn we won
Not a DP please
What an embarrassment… lot of those this yr in football baseball and softball
Awful, I thought softball still had a pulse …
Why not Rothrock relieving ? This game was important to win
They will not give us a 9.9
What are they not doing right on bars … ?
We can’t get 9.9 and above from judges … last night was the same
Houston we got a problem- Baseball and Softball
we are going to have to get more money for portal or we are going to be in the middle or end of standing … in most sports