How about Biden mishandling classified documents but that not being pursued essentially because he’s a senile old man? Trump is being charged...
Enjoy, bud. Just don’t come crying to me when the shoe is on the other foot.
In a venue prejudiced against him, a rabid DA out to get him who campaigned on “getting him,” and biased judge.
Enjoy the laughs. Nothing will backfire more for Democrats than these charges and this conviction. I predict a similar fallout to the Harry Reid...
Evasive as always I see.
Yeah that’s a stupid answer nobody actually believes, especially coming from Democrats. It’s a stretch coming from a Federalist Society member,...
I understand the story perfectly well, River and I’m still waiting on an answer. DC is run by Democrats. They support noncitizens voting at the...
What do you mean by that exactly? I’m aware localities and states are free to set rules however they see fit (within Constitutional and federal...
Haha, “rational answer.” That’s cute.
I’ll ask again, what is the policy rationale for supporting noncitizens voting in local elections, but not federal election?
Simple, illegal immigrants as a voting bloc generally favors Democrats. Here’s the thing, you edited me saying someone “was lying” which is...
Riddle me this, what is the policy rationale that favors allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections but not federal elections?
My misrepresentation wasn’t intentional. I’ve moved on, and am still treating my argument as standing despite the mistake while you dwell on the...
Hey, I respect the honest insinuation that you at best don’t see a problem with noncitizens voting, thereby diluting the votes of citizens.
I made an honest mistake and corrected it. Yeah, how convenient for Democrats for DC to allow noncitizens to vote. My rationale is simply...
I made a mistake. That hardly debunks the point.
A majority of Democrats in the House supported it for local elections, so why not federal? What is the difference in this context? Federalism? 1)...
“Many things.” Im still waiting for one that doesn’t end with the history of October 7th repeating itself. I don’t think it’s any one air strike...
I mean, that’s technically correct. But I think Tilly meant the government funding that necessarily accompanied the shutdowns significantly...
Fair enough. Perhaps I misspoke. That said, can you explain why Democrats would make a policy distinction between federal and local elections...