Possibly my favorite part about this is that Trump can no longer vote for himself.
Cool story bro. Have fun voting for a felon.
Add Felon to Trump’s list of superlatives. What an incredible piece of shit the GOP has hitched their wagon to. Unbelievable.
Gillis was suspended for five days for "conduct unbecoming" for driving "an intoxicated civilian in your police vehicle" and "proceeding to doing...
Agree to disagree.
Lol Trump is 100% an existential threat.
Imagine still supporting this deplorable piece of shit. Just an odious human being.
Still waiting on that money order friend. What’s the hold up?
What a lazy piece of shit. Watching that moron try to operate the catch pole was like watching a penguin try to button a shirt. Indefensible...
This definitely needed a thread lol
This country 100% deserves to have Trump as its president. We’ll see if we get what we deserve.
Eddie Vedder became the latest to join the chorus of voices disagreeing with the athlete's misogynistic remarks, drawing cheers from the audience....
When police behave like criminals treat them accordingly.
Good lord - unhinged much? I asked a question. Calm down.
why did he stop talking for 30 seconds in the middle of his speech?
I think what is more likely (but still not very) is that, if polls are still very unfavorable like they are now, Joe bows out this summer at the...