Which is understandable. When you venture out on your own or take on a different job with a different company you try to surround yourself with...
But this year you have the expanded SEC & BIG… we won’t have as many undefeated or 1 loss teams in the field. I think it’s more likely we’ll see 2...
Not a UGA player… so, no
Agree. The specialists are good. I think the angst has more to do with the organization as whole …coaching.
Good take Gatorhead. But have to admit I’m more confident in the D line than I am the secondary. They at least flashed last year and had some...
Happy for him. A great Gator and an even better person.
Well, no one died …so there’s that.
The metric, is CBN telling him to clean out his locker and that he is no longer a part of the team, if the above occurs. There are no guarantees...
With all due respect Rick, +10 points for scoring offense is a BIG ask. That would have put us top 8 last season. I think just get us to 32+ …...
We know. No reminders needed.
Good spot. They look defeated. Also, shoutout to @apkgator for standing in for @Gatorgal04 who had an all important luncheon to make.
2 successful bunts today. I call that a win
He hasn’t toned down all that much and is still a jerk.
When a coach tells/or instructs a commit to lie to another to another coach or school, that is where I draw the line. You are a POS that has no...
And Kiffin will never be a Legend. But dream if you must.
He just may have been humbled from the experience. I’m no fan of Deion but he probably did the kid a favor by not coddling him.
One is an asshole, the other a legend.
And there lies the problem Rick. You are not just getting the kid but the people in his life that he is close with. I think it’s fair to question...