Should wear a condom just to look at that picture.
Uh, ok I guess.
I believe she noted the goat smelled, so I gave her a pass on that one. Seriously, I hope they at least ate the goat.
To some extent, I would agree about the truck as these ladies tend to be physically active. Nothing sexier to me than a fit woman.
Clearly, the her own words in her book is just all a lie from big media. No, Antifa. No wait, Hillary.
It's best not to respond to one of the Pravda Parrots.
I would assume most of us had animals put down when we weighed out quality of life and suffering. I am going to have to make that decision again...
I didn't click on the link or notice it was the gateway pundit. Seriously, the gateway pundit? Tells you a lot about the OP if that is his news...
One of my original posts on this thread was that he was either lying or doing it for attention or both. Seems like both but at least he got some...
That poster often does the fly by negging. Guess it makes him feel good or something?
Ahh, poor little snowflake. If you could understand his jibberish, good for you.
I've watched a lot of his military videos, never one where he threw in some politics. I thought he did a good job.
I get most of my news from reading either The Hill or BBC, that's it. I like them, they seem somewhat centered and are accurate. I do avoid the...
I think I just made it up. It certainly is accurate.
From his grammar and content, I have to assume that was a drunk post.
He's trolling. No one is that uninformed.
It's a tsunami of stupid.
So, you don't think the stable genius and his $40 million in lawyers can't figure out how to get out of a BS trial? Are trump and his team really...
Trump's got 99 problems.........
Interesting that one of the highest crime rate states is Alaska, which has no big cities and I would guess not that many democrats. If the Reps...