The take-charge types who thrived in the 20th century, when WW2 era military culture kept a strong hand in private sector management, would all be...
This sort of thing is the essence of the difference between us and them. We don't do things like this, no matter how desperate we are to be...
Wait till we find out that all our games are at noon because Texas.
:emoji_open_mouth::emoji_rolling_eyes: [IMG]:emoji_thinking::emoji_laughing: Those clowns made 13-0 ACC Championship rings. This only makes...
A freshman Gator QB named Cris Collinsworth threw a 99 yard touchdown pass twelve days after the launch of Voyager 1.
You're right. Starvation is still free.
He's damaged goods. We can get him for $10 million now easily.
Who are you talking to?
I can't wait for Biden to get wind of this.
Yes, more calories for boys, but give the girls free iron pills with lunch to make it fair.
Sick shaming culture was firmly in place when Fauci Fever hit. It was inevitable.
No. This is the perfect bump thread.
To paraphrase the Eagles, I've got a mostly peaceful, easy feeling about the coming months.
There's always a government.
Because A) it is voluntary for disposable income. B) it could be set at a high enough rate where the revenue collected would be higher than it...
The Tax Code sucks. You shouldn't have to lift a finger to stay out of trouble with them. It shouldn't be up to me at the risk of fines and...
Israel's response is going to be brutal and pictures of kids blown to bits will be flashed all over the world and Israel will be painted as the...
To a couple of guys named Isaac and Ishmael.
71 Chad's and a rich husband at the golf course.
It can be both.