So, if Russia announced that they were firing 300+ missiles at Washington DC, you would be ok with the US President saying that "hey, we...
That are routinely defeated. Yes
The fires burning at Isfahan being shown on TV feeds indicates that nothing nuclear was launched by Israel and nothing nuclear was struck in Iran.
Israel flew to Tehran and circled their military HQ and parliament right after Iran installed Russia's super, duper anti-aircraft system just to...
Are you kidding? They had no reason? Other than 1200 dead Israelis and a missile attack on their sovereign territory? No reason than just 24...
This is a common BS mantra with right wingers. If anyone were really trying to hit the petroleum industry - they would simply end the decades...
Yeah, imagine that. He took advice on dealing with a novel infectious disease from an expert in Infectious Diseases. We would have been much...
I believe Trump would have kept us out of Ukraine. I have no doubt he would have allowed his master Putin claim Ukraine and whatever else in...
Oh yeah, the molecular beam epitaxy required to deposit the stoichiometrically correct compounds will be MUCH cheaper than doped Si. Can't wait...
Meanwhile, back to the OP for a minute. I absolutely love Dawn Staley. That is painful to write because I would rather be rooting for the Gators...
As a non-expert, I would just add that the trick to holding precious metals is that you actually have to hold them. Not a piece of paper that...
Not gullible. The Republi-ban worshipers are willingly ignorant.
Not to mention that there are more 737's in service than any other jet by a long way. While the A320/321 may catch up, right now 737's outnumber...
I stopped reading at Great Barrington Farce. My argument with the buffoons stomping their feet over school closures and point to 1 or more...
This dude literally sounds like he was once in The Hitler Youth and wants everyone to yell "Heil Trump-ler". Louisiana Governor upset LSU missed...
I mean, I am Catholic, which some "Christians" will argue (somehow) are not Christians, but either way, I did not hear about this during the...
He really is a stupid human being.
Just weird that anyone who is not trans would even know about this? Had I not come on to Too Hot this AM, I would have never heard about this...
He cannot comprehend it either. It just feels like : Left = bad.
Sounds more like LEVINE is voting for Israel and could not give 2 poops about Trump or Biden.