We are transitioning Bill. Stop being a DA.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Eliminate both.
And the increase will be the fault of the boomer generation. Lol
Very few people will use leaded gasoline. Let them be. You can buy lead at the store to add to your gasoline. It’s such a minuscule amount of...
Girls have HS sports also and they can play on the football team unlike boys on the girls teams.
No. It’s too smelly under the covers.
Student loans are a drop in the bucket that helps only them. Why not forgive all debts so “everyone” can benefit. Then stop farm aid if that’s...
How can a guy hate lesbians when they love women just like guys do? :)
They can also go to war at 18, in a real war zone. Everything’s not perfect.
Lot of hate here. I don’t plan on buying an EV, maybe a hybrid but don’t see that happening either. I’m an ICE guy that likes the idea that...
I was a fire investigator for 22+ years. I’ve seen really bad burns (death) and not so bad, and in between. If he lives through the burns he will...
Maybe there’s outrage because people agreed to by signing a contract, pay back money to a lender. It’s called personal responsibility. I’ve had...
As long as I’m armed and there are people I won’t starve. (Just thinking out loud)
You may be kidding but you are right too.
Unfortunately some of what I own is Chinese. I buy otherwise when I can if there’s something comparable. Will even pay more.
No I’m a bad boy.
My 45 year old daughter died April 15th 2023 of a fentanyl overdose. It was a problem and still is a problem.
You spelled whirled peas wrong.
If they pay well I’m in.