It's always been interesting to me that our age restrictions on alcohol are understandably designed to protect young people but they can be...
I don't mind showing my ID for alcohol either, though when I've been carded, they just glance at it. I'm not sure if they save it in a database or...
I personally have no categorical desire to ban either guns or porn and am fine with both being regulated to some extent (though I don’t view them...
I have never argued that he’s an idiot.
Trump often uses language that is susceptible to different interpretations. That sort of coded language, mob-boss ambiguity, and dog whistles...
I don’t think kids should be watching adult material. At the same time, it’s also true that there have been people trying to outright criminalize...
I remember the V Chip technology in the 90 was supposed to help parents monitor and regulate what their kids were watching in terms of violent and...
Why is it hard for you to accept? The fact that Trump claimed he won Georgia by hundreds of thousands of votes and then didn't have any evidence...
Most Americans reject Trump's claim that the election was stolen and illegitimate. I've seen polls which indicate that even a significant number...
Seems that more and more states are going to be regulating internet sites and media, perhaps with as many as 50 sets of state laws on various...
It's true that counter-factuals are difficult. Not sure about 2010 Haitians, for example, but I think Florida has benefited more than it's been...
We certainly have to make tough decisions regarding taking in foreign nationals and refugees who are impacted by oppressive governments, violence,...
I think the initial conduct and subsequent obstruction can be separated out. However, when someone is notified of a violation, what they do after...
Agree with you here; Hitler comparisons aren't helpful except for when he's parroting Nazi talking points, but I don't think it's going to come to...
Retirement Accounts and Overworked Drivers: The Potential of Nudge Theory Under traditional economic theory, individual actors are characterized...
The Order suggests they can, but that doesn't mean they will. DocumentCloud The Court’s concern is less that the State has failed to allege...
I believe the Electoral College will again be close and come down to a small group of swing states. I doubt Trump is going to win the national...
Hasn't Americans' overall life expectancy been flat or slightly dropping in recent years? Seems like that would be lowering payouts at least for...
Proving his intent and state of mind will take work and the weaving together of circumstantial evidence as it does in many cases. That’s assuming...