Curious why you are trying to put words in my mouth? My post has zero to do with any immigrants. It’s only about Elon being from SA and then...
I don’t think illegals should be counted. Once processed they should count.
I call BS. No way anyone on the right or conservative likes anyone who’s black. I have a biracial granddaughter and have to fight my...
CDS lol
Damn if I know. They just keep coming.
It’s known as projection.
I do agree.
You obviously don’t have PDS.
I get what you are saying but anyone that goes about it themselves is taking a huge gamble. My buddy lost his home in a private sale when he...
Oh no. The phone police are here. :)
Didn’t say that. Just that hes not a born and raised US citizen. No more no less.
I’m fine with that.
Which is wrong imo.
Isn’t Rogan an actor?
Elon was born in S. Africa, then moved to Canada at age 18. He became a US citizen in 2002. His opinions were shaped by being exposed to...
Just make it negotiable in all states and let the market and sellers set the %. No one is required to hire an agent. Sold numerous homes. Some by...
Wake up from your dream. Lol
I’m glad he’s back. Like his music. There will never be another Neil Young. I didn’t know he was off Spotify. lol