Let's see if Samuel got some work at the line. lol
Welp we see that Oats got to the refs. lol
Please let them continue this attack in the 2nd half.
Also it seems like our team has grown accustomed to Riley's clumsy plays.
21-2 run was amazing
What in the world Riley.
Wow Sears missed both too.
5 seconds in and already a foul. lol
Haugh guarded like 4 different players. lol
Thank you, iso Sears and attack him.
How many times must we see this same play beat us without adjusting?
How did Clayton not protect the ball there?
Please get Aberdeen off the court.
Volleyball practice. lol
WTH was that on both sides of the court?
Condon made that shot 50% harder. lol
Zone defense is needed, our guards are getting whooped
Clayton too
Couldn't have started any worse
Pretty much should be our winning formula for the rest of the season.