From what I have gathered they are not actually trying to ban them at this point, they just want the Chinese held parent company to divest any...
Derp Derp!!! I never pay attention anything pinned Mods you can close this thread if you see the need to.
I would start by enforcing the laws on the books now and cracking down hard on any criminal that uses a gun in any law-breaking stunt. I don't...!&&p=afe6f3ed19b6fb31JmltdHM9MTcwOTg1NjAwMCZpZ3VpZD0xMjdlYzA2My05Y2RjLTY3NjMtM2ExMC1kMTRmOWQ2MjY2ZWImaW5zaWQ9NTIyNQ&ptn=3...
This is really good stuff!!! Elite liberals telling rural folks how they feel and why. They have become the most loyal group to vote any one...
Normal and sense of humor are Human characteristics that they haven't been able to put into AI yet!
First, has Mexico tried to secure their Southern border? No, except when Trump threaten tariffs on Mexican imports, all of sudden they started...
Wait a minute!!!!!! You have claimed more often than I can remember that all these poor ole immigrants are walking 1500-2000 miles, and we think...
I thought it went like this: Those who can---Work Those who can't--- Teach how to work
Well in my book on this issue there is only 9 experts and all 9, from both sides of the aisle agreed. Not a whole lot more to discuss. It was...
I'm sure City's depiction of the evidence against this guy is accurate. I fail to see where he attacked any capital police or any evidence of him...
I haven't taken a driving test for my driver's license sine I was 16!
Are you an AI Bot?!&&p=dddca25cbeeb39e5JmltdHM9MTcwOTI1MTIwMCZpZ3VpZD0xMjdlYzA2My05Y2RjLTY3NjMtM2ExMC1kMTRmOWQ2MjY2ZWImaW5zaWQ9NTIxNg&ptn=3...
Good Deal!!!! I can still donate and count on last year's taxes.
I agree, and this bill MIGHT have been better than nothing, but obviously that is my opinion and the opinion of those who actually get to vote on...
Unless you can produce a graph that some national organization put together, and even then, you won't get him to believe anything other than what...
Oh!!!!!!! Driving along the border once more in his 50-year political career counts also. I'm sorry I was wrong he has made a total of 3, count...
I understand why you didn't know. I went to media matters and typed in their search, and they had nothing. So, I understand now.!&&p=fda43f088b6447fbJmltdHM9MTcwOTI1MTIwMCZpZ3VpZD0xMjdlYzA2My05Y2RjLTY3NjMtM2ExMC1kMTRmOWQ2MjY2ZWImaW5zaWQ9NTMwOA&ptn=3...