I don't see this thread as taking shots at anyone not happy with Publix, but I do see a lot of name calling om Publix," Fleecing their customers",...
Free country, you are quite "OK" to say what you will when you want to. I'm just pointing out the fact that if want to complain about the...
I don't believe the bill allows for stopping and closing the border for general commerce and trade and folks crossing for that. I think the only...
The two responses from my post are exactly what I expected. I'm not defending Trump but keep up the rhetoric and you may get to see what you all...
I have looked at the bill and wasn't sure if all the actual text had come out. I think some of the major concern was the "number" for being too...
I don't want to get into a pi$$ing match with you about who is worse, but don't you think the rhetoric of "Destroy Democracy", "he is basically...
Have any of you read the bill? Is it good legislation?
If millionaires enriched themselves by lying and deceiving the ppp payback requirements, then I would hope it would be caught in any audits being...
We put age limits on all kind of stuff. I think this is great in theory but not sure that toothpaste is already out and not sure how to solve...
Do you have any idea what these loans were used for? I can assure they were not so they could get a college education. I would assume as with...
It is legal to cross the border anywhere you want?
I like a lot of Trump policies but not all his rhetoric. I haven't spent enough time reviewing the entire bill HR2 but what little I read about...
Earlier you stated, "even if one person", now it is ok just because it is a smaller rate of abuse?...
I don't believe we can hire enough judges to have 10,000 plus hearings a day. Plus, historically only about 30% get approval. And the...
You all were against the line!!! Because the line was in Mexico, not all over this country and up to a 5-10 year hearing date. I believe the law...
This..... I just don't understand how anyone can believe that crossing into the country illegally, then claiming asylum can be accepted. How...
I don't think the analogy of Ellis Island really applies here, unless you are saying, since those immigrants were coming in by boat, they all had...
I am not one of those folks that chant "Stop the Flow". I know the need for immigrant labor and know as country we need it. I just think these...