The University of Florida has become a national embarrassment with this idiot on staff. I wonder if he really even has a medical degree? [MEDIA]
That can't be correct. You crackpots swear up and down that COVID doesn't kill unless people are really old. Fake News. is called math. Maybe if there were any Republicans left with functioning brains they would understand it. Nah, probably way too much...
So good to see that the events of 2020 did not nothing to dampen the spirits of racists in our country.
I always wonder about these media reports, where reporters interchange "job cuts" with lay offs without paying attention to detail. My employer...
I do not think the average person understands how long a process that is going to be. We can build fabs in the US, but substrates, SMDs, mold...
If the US ultimately fails it will be solely because of ignorance over taking education. Ignorant people are easily manipulated and become pawns...
If that happens, even without a US military response, the US economy gets wrecked and the potential for millions to lose their jobs. Just in the...
I agree, it is unfortunate that the political leaders in California have used the cause time and time again to drive home political points,...
What are you talking about? When I go into Home Depot, there are at least 4 models of battery powered lawn mowers and at least 2-3 others I can...
I prefer anything that does not require mining and processing of uranium. I am favor of almost anything that does not require massive vaults for...
Yes, I have, rare but it has happened. Thermal runaway is real. It only takes one.
So, when these mental midgets leave their mowers in their metal garages outside, and the battery goes into thermal runaway and burns down the...
God willing, no one will. Let 3rd world countries poison their ground, their people and everything that poison touches. We don't need even more...
Because Hydroxychloroquine was effective in vitro, ie in a test tube. In principal, the drug had two avenues to provide benefit against COVID19....
B-1 Bomber Crashes at Ellsworth; Crew Ejects Safely
That is a lot of destruction predicted from less than 24 tree samples all from one river back in France. Which is not meant to disparage the work...