EVs lose alot range in very cold Temps, rough estimate at least 30%
I do, but my voice is not loud enough, but since I vote I am allowed to complain here.
We have a lower age limit to be president, need a upper cap too. How about social security age you no longer can run for re-election. Watch...
Need to look under the couch cushions for a few more wins...
This is it right here. The what and how changes every few years and so does the order of importance.
I wish that meant automatic wins vs those teams. :eek:
Should have kept the BCS computer polls to do the rankings. Don't understand why they got rid of them.
I don't know if it is rose color glasses, but to me Todd Johnson was one of the best safetys to ever play for the gators. No one ever got past him.
Kinda, telsa adapter is winning out because they finally opened it up for other manufacturers to use and they have the supercharger network...
There are two main ones, but most manufacturers are moving to the tesla charger in the next year or two, so they are consolidating.
Nice list. I would have. 3. LSU 4. Tennessee 5. Miami
Glad the team played with some intensity, might have done better against UK or ARK. The old teams of 2007-2010 had this. We are just to weak on...
As a once in while change, I am looking fwd to it. Wouldn't, mind it happening once ever other season.
I am a big anti BN fan. I am fine with trying to go for it and the actual play call. Just didn't work out. If our o line is better you play more...
The over turned ball spot and early turnovers really did damage. Could have been a different game. Better team won, move on to the next game,...
Because they keep dropping what is covered.
I never thought Kyle was a starting QB in the league, but should be a solid backup. Thought him and Rex should've won.
Saw Carrot Top and Dave Chappell before he hit it big. Both were hilarious. Really great sets by both and out shined the headliner that year ( I...
I am really anti-amazon right now. With fake reviews, cheap knock-offs using the same images/wording and ridiculous company names like JNKME or...
If Billy really believes in his process he should take a paycut similar to Harbaugh. Put up or shutup.