My wife Googled Apple support and the first listing was a scammer that wanted access to her iPhone and Venmo account. They are everywhere.
Can’t we all just get along?
MAGA Sez: we need a dictator. [MEDIA]
Atlanta and all of Georgia have already been recounted and audited. Next talking point
Yep, now that she is infertile - even though it was caused by the TX law itself, she no longer has legal standing to sue over reproductive rights.
if you want to be happy for the rest of your life Make an ugly woman your wife ….. Jimmy Soul [MEDIA]
Yep. I’m 1-3% African and, at most, a moderate beige. Hybrid vigor.
OK. Eat your own. Libbies approve.
Oh, he is a conservative all right just one who put country over party in 2020 for the very valid reasons he provided.
As Saint Harry once said: Every man has to know his limitations
At a neighborhood bonfire I hosted recently a big-time trumper ammosexual type neighbor showed up with some medical MJ in a vaping pen. I was...
Could be worse. I get The Epoch Times in the mail a couple of times a year.
So do most of the bag ladies/men I’ve encountered
Biden has been OK but I wouldn’t go as far as saying he’s been the most correct ever.
Agree that there were some stupid and wrong decisions made on the state’s side but that doesn’t change the facts of the case. Surely there...
I once helped repair the bat-house at Lake Alice and can confirm your opinion.
It seems orthodoxy has found its way into UATX after all - forcing some founders to separate themselves as an act of conscience. It will be...
Yes, I wonder what the weapon is and glad they have it. If F-16s have just arrived, it seems like they may be the source but I really don’t know.
Not the books that are inappropriate - as 92 said they are good books but rather their stated intent to fashion NC into Hillsdale of the south....
Abbreviated list of things that make conservatives squirm. List of things Conservatives have "canceled" - TheAlmightyGuru