The pervasive homogeneity of thought that is being pushed on the American people today is worse than any xenophonic rant. In the 50's, it was...
Let me guess. Snopes has already debunked this allegation.
Ever the mystic.
Are we blocked from trying, or is it a trap/flush kind of a deal?
Only the ones we're leaving out for you.
A lot of white guys have taken Asian and Latina women out of the dating market, too. It's Asian men and black women who have something to...
Dr. Pepper has won 10 straight years.
Biden's handlers have never figured out that he needs to be gotten out of sight ASAP when he leaves the podium. The sight of him wandering...
And from state to state, as we learned so well in 2020.
Which university is he tenured at?
If Biden wins he will be four years older than Trump.
I'll miss our great rivalry with Saban, but we can take our foot off the gas and relax now.
They tried to start the same thing with her and Tim Tebow when he was in Denver. It starts out as a marketing ploy. Throw them together and see...
Yep. Let go of expectations and embrace misanthropy.
Let me guess. They threatened to bust out of a Volkswagen together and stampede them.
How can you be sure?
The new Toro coal cars are shipping now.
A missed Spot isn't necessarily a bad thing. [MEDIA]
I still use my trusty old gas powered vacuum.