Wasserman: Florida's rough signing day and Billy Napier's broken promises The debacle of recruiting Rashada looms long here...
He is with us to start 2025. I think some fans seething at the mouth wanting him gone without understanding what he inherited and the current...
Good lord. That article in the Athletic about CBN was brutal to read. Anyone else catch it?
A winning team.
Hostile press conference. Became super defensive. Its clear as day, that the day did not go as envisioned. Why would any athlete or parent, want...
That was one hostile press conference. He was super defensive. No bueno!
"Even if you were right, that would be one plus one plus two plus one, not one plus *two* plus one plus one." Clue
Jeez..wonder why she thinks that when this board is FULL of people saying 2024 is the end for CBN!
There is no money to pay the buyout of a S&C coach? WOW! CBN will be the coach at the START of 2025! Also, there is money to hire a new S&C coach?...
He will be utilized the way Tebow was when he started.
Game was allowed to go into OT!
Nice win!
We dont play smart do we?
True..he almost walked away two years ago from the stress of the job.
Him and his agent were besides themselves that no NFL team came calling after 2020...at that point he put all his eggs into the Bama 21 game...we...
His mother is shopping him around...
Huh...its only hard because of the quality of the current process. If things were humming along, it would be challenging but doable...2024 doesnt...
Where do you see 6 wins?
If DJ holds to his commitment and CBN is canned at the end of 2024, DJ is going to portal out. CBN will be the coach at the START of...
Oh..I dont see many wins next season, but it will not mean CBN gets canned... NOT HAPPENING.