Where the class is now will change depending on the flips that are projected by the major services. I hope they don’t come to fruition obviously....
Well saying the class falling to the early 10s on ranking is not holding is a bold statement when the class is presumed to have the #1 QB and #1 DL
Then you are quite unreasonable. Florida just had another losing season. Getting back to top 10-15 talent is the first step to becoming relevant....
Expectation is about a top 10 class. Anyone who gets upset with this result is unreasonable
According to Twitter, we were also losing Lagway and McCray. So I wouldn’t take anything you read on there very seriously. No one knows anything...
You must follow real closely to have these types of takes...yeah the coach that thought Emory Jones and Felipe Franks should start at UF is the...
You can't respond because you know nothing about Florida football.
If this class falls apart and you think Billy is getting past this year, you are quite the optimist. Plus we need elite talent at those two spots...
Dan literally quit on the job and there's a few of you out here still defending the ramshackles he left behind. He didn't recruit Trask and got...
Mertz going to have to get a bit better downfield with ETN leaving. Nearly all of our explosive plays seemed like runs or screens. However, I...
Hate to say it, Billy’s likely done if he loses him and LJ
T Boone died before NIL.
what proof is there that NIL money is on par with top teams?
What leads you to believe this administration is using good advice based on the results of the past decade?
T Boone is dead. If he was alive, they'd be in the playoffs within a few years. He had to buy stuff for the program like a new (nice) stadium. But...
Sure. But literally being able to go out and pick players and pay them directly allows you to create a championship team. It's unlimited free...
For years? How many years has the NIL been going on? Seems like Texas shows a direct correlation between donor money and national playoffs...
Right there is new CFB summed up. If we have donors like T Boone Pickens, we will have a title. If not, we better get used to 5-7
you see his bro on twitter? they are definitely me-first outlook and not team first. but hard to blame people too much for that. just not much fun...
well if we dont have a position coach yet how could you blame him looking around? i'm a billy guy but seriously dude needs to get the staff in...