I know when the hatred for the orange man is so strong that every conclusion has to be the worst possible. I am not trying to be a supporter as...
Maybe he didn't take this binder!
Polling data that they could pay any pollster directly to get? Hardly is collusion.
If we don't want government interfering where "organizations/business" fail to act responsible, why do we have any government regulations on...
Problem is that wasn't proven!
I hear you and you may be correct, but on the other hand, should we not want to rid our government of these kind of bureaucrats? Hold sensitive...
For those with reading comprehension concerns!!! Russian interference in the elections by the Russians for their benefits, does not equate to...
Be serious now please. The bulk of the arguments against feel is happens so rarely, almost never, that it is something we need not be concerned...
It is just now becoming public that this "binder" has been missing for nearly 3 years? And all the info that it's missing is coming from...
It's not a problem until it happens to you!!!! Puberty blockers and or anything else to make them think they are a girl, do you want your daughter...
It's obvious the left's definition of hate speech is not the same as the right's.
I don't know why anyone tries to have any sort of dialog with you. You are one of the worst kind of partisans. You contort, use analogies that...
So, the fact that Hunter was selling access, and some did, does not count as "expectation to receive something"?
As usual you always make open and honest comments. I don't always agree with your conclusions, but you are always open for the facts. I firmly...
Use your analogy. Did Hunter sell the family name for access to Joe? Yes. Joe Not guilty of son's deeds. Did Joe allow access to Himself with...
So........ Quid pro que gets Trump a partisan impeachment, even though he didn't get anything in return, yet Hunter sells access to "The...
If it was truly, quid pro quo, and they unfroze when it became "untenable", what did Trump receive.
Your point is exactly right!!!! There is no documentation of charging interest, just like there is no documentation there was a loan!!! It took a...
Actually, they had a vote and lost.
Detained?????? For what like five minutes to give them a court date sometime in the next ten years and find out what city they want their free...