When did logic and facts matter to anti vax ers?
Publix makes absolutely the best subs.
I am all in on the research. I just wonder how all the know nothings will attack this advance.
They are gonna pop. It will be interesting to see how much or little it impacts us.
Here is a thought. Do we build up our adversaries to make them seem like a threat? The Germans and the Japanese were in World War Two but Russia...
One thing you an I possibly agree on is the statement that Jordan is a Palestinian state. Almost 80 percent of Jordan is Palestinian, but their...
Careful I got edited for something very similar.
The Trumpers will find away to spin this into bad news. The fed said 3 interest rate cuts next year. The market is betting on 6. Something is...
I am skeptical of all these mineral claims. Wasn’t Afghanistan supposed to have trillions in minerals too? Then there is the asteroid worth...
I wonder if the supply troubles are supposed to motivate our traitorous congressmen to get off their butts and vote more aid.
So one of 6 or 80 percent is people helping others. Jeez people are allowed to help in the voting booth too.
And weren’t apple and google both charging a 30 percent premium. Feels colludish to me
How Lagway goes goes this class.
I think that breaking up monopolies like apple and google is always for the good. Don’t know how but things will be better because of this.
Not winnable but they will settle to keep from discovery.
So much of the swamp isn’t up to code. I think to do anything they have to almost start over.
He refused to respond. So the judge issued a summary judgement. It’s unusual but it does happen. People typically respond when told to.
My hope is Biden chooses not to run for re-election and the pardons his son.
Exactly this. I am not a lawyer but think the government needs to allow all comments or none at all. The police can post a phone number if they...
My understanding was it was a relatively clean bill funding Ukraine and Israel. The republicans demanded border security spending too.