It will be interesting to see. Seems this is an individual university decision and therefore would be made by the President and Board of Regents....
Problem is you used Va Tech as an example, which is another ACC team. The correct question should have been if FSU had played in the SEC or Big...
Actually, I was talking about UGA's traditional under the table arrangements.
UGA may not have that many opting depends on how their payroll is structured.
And we'll let them all wear the number 3.
I think Noles will come in p'd off that they are not in the playoffs, UGA will come in p'd off that Bama ended their streak and a chance at a...
[MEDIA] Yum...Mullen tears for breakfast, UGA tears for lunch, Nole tears for dinner
And with ACC refs they wouldn't even get penalized.:mad:
It's like Christmas in December!
I know this is a little bit of a stretch because it has been one sided for a while, but Ga Tech has 4 national title to UGA's 3. If we played...
Isn't that how Bama & UGA traditionally recruit?
Also need to throw more passes behind the line of scrimmage.
On a side note the Michigan QB seems like a classy kid. Always says something good about the opponent in his post-game interviews.
ACC Champioship MVP should be Plummer....for FSU
Plummer is really bad
It's a little statue of a guy watching paint dry.
Refs throwing flags during the plays...just in case.
How was that not PI???
Maybe you are a 6th year QB in the ACC cause you got nowhere else to go.