I'm sure that Democrats in the sunshine still has a lot of support from the state government...
Portugal has been getting worse, for reasons that make me question my historic support for replicating their model here. After a decade of...
Well this thread is the exact wet fart that I thought it would be... Thanks for reminding me there are more ridiculous people than my mother, OP.
It's just amazingly ironic to me that what may actually knock Big Pharma down a peg or two is one of the few things they deserve credit for,...
A possibly good plan for frivolous and specious reasons. Big Pharma needs to be taken to task for using American drug prices to subsidize its...
I think it's actually a legitimate question, although the reason for asking could certainly be based on bias or envy. To answer trips, at least...
Once a victim dies, attempted murder charges are kinda bunk, correct? New charges would have to be filed given a change in the actual crimes...
Again, Johnathan Lewis didn't die until today. How quickly after a victim dies do you expect police to charge the correct suspects with murder in...
Diesel still appears to have some bottleneck issues, which is important for downstream expense impacts. Does one of our resident oil experts care...
Also, he didn't die until today. Kind of hard to arrest someone for murder before the victim dies.
The answer is more-or-less in the third paragraph of the article you linked.
As my organization's Chief Information Security Officer put it, "The reality is that we have to get it right every single time, and a criminal...
Classic example of picking a fight when you've got the smaller guns.
It gets harder by the day to discern serious posts from parody ones...
Well now you're just trolling. :D
There's also the posters that (try to) feign ignorance of widely known stories or events. Don't forget that contingent. ;)
If a Republican is investigated - Proves Democrats are corrupt!
You called them fake impeachments. They were real impeachments. If you meant "failed" or something else, I apologize but went by the words that...
The issue is not your opinions vs others’ opinions. The issue is your opinions vs facts. Fact: Donald Trump was impeached twice. Once for...
You really think that level of a mistake would warrant such a quick promotion?