After FSU's QB went down that other guy looked like freaking Georgia's QB. While I'd like to think we can beat FSU at home, I'll temper my...
I didn't post during the game but I will now... I want to cry. My heart hurts, selfishly for me, but truly for the team. I want us to get on...
'I don't think the heavy stuff's coming down for a while...':rolleyes: I originally grew up in Conn., we played football in pretty darn cold...
We can manufacture 8 wins if we address our needs in the portal- adding linebackers, and Offensive linemen as well as a decent class. Napier...
GATORS, Make it good one! Gotta right the ship at some point-might as well be now! And, obviously, do it right, not like nole scum. (see that crap...
Yeah, prolly not good to put too much bad mojo out into the ether. Just saying. Being the contrarian here. I like our chances... Gators by...
I wonder why we did so well against Tenn? Did we catch them off-guard? Seems doing something similar on defense would be a good thing. Possibly...
We might need to pass to open up the run! Double reverse deceptive mojo. I kind of like their coach. He's a little like Spurrier in the day, he...
I'm still hoping we can snag a few we're not supposed to get. Let Mr. 1000% bullhorn drift is what it is... We don't nee no stinkin...
IMHO-and I'll offer my disclaimer first (I know nothing-but always have an opinion!)o_O We have a better than average QB that is accurate. We...
Oh yeah. Little footnote: Cole Kubic or whatever his name is...does he hate the Gators? Man the guy must be dating Daniel's...or at least has a...
After careful reflection... Daniels was a beast last night and was a one man wrecking crew. He should win the Heisman IMHO. Couple of other... do you contain Daniels? Guy's a freak combo full-package athlete. We'll have our guy next year, and if Mertz comes back, all the...
Best effort all year. Kids were balling out! Smash-mouth affair. We were NOT supposed to win, and, unfortunately, we didn't, but we sure played...
This is the perfect game we aren't supposed to win that we should win!:p:cool: Here we go Gators, here we go! "Da, da-da, da-da-da! Gator Bait!...
Red stick is only four hours from Pensacola, Fl. That's good! Meaning, you could hitchhike if ya had to get back to the homeland. Then you could...
If this kind of recruiting's only a matter of time. Hey, everyone wants to go all mental when we lose. But now, instead of the...
I think the team is accepting of the loss and moving on. Does it suck? Absolutely. But these guys are a band of brothers. They don't give up. All...
Losing sucks, no doubt. But...looking over our incoming HS recruits results, one can't help but see just how talented they are. A Premier level...
I'm done with the negativity. It isn't good for the team, the staff, or the recruits. Some feedback is needed. Some glaring issues need attention....