Well I guess you’re not fine then because every single fake vote, illegal rule change, or other shenanigan canceled out a legit vote or gave an...
I… have… no… words…
as opposed to the Demoncrats who won’t even allow anyone who (1) doesn’t have a crime syndicate family, and (2) hasn’t taken on and defeated bad...
it’s a hobby.
what did I make up? There are literally dozens of documented cases of voter fraud, and likely thousands of undocumented cases that could be...
you’re a democrat and you can’t hide your past by making up fake names of your ancestors. It does not work that way. Trump didn’t directly or...
You point to documented fraud, then say it doesn’t matter. It matters to me, and why should I give an F* on what Donald Trump did? *frappuccino
you wrote Fraud isn’t an issue in our election and followed with a CNN link claiming no fraud in 2020 election. I am more disturbed by your...
our labor needs are shrinking due to technology. our immigration FUBAR should not be dictated by basic economics. That has already been tried,...
Here is what you posted… Here is what I responded.. I didn’t move the goal post, you just can’t read.
you don’t need a national holiday. You can just open up voting over a 72 hour. Starting on a Friday and closing on a Sunday. You should need the...
I thought somebody posted a link on here that a judge ordered a new election, and they found the person who did it, and he’s being prosecuted....
just another example of reading comprehension gone awry. You’re saying Orange God, which I assume is your derogatory name for Trump, couldn’t find...
the one which is the subject matter of this discussion
who’s feeding and housing all of your immigrant friends for the two months while they’re waiting to calm down before they get a job? Asking for a...
look, it’s a unicorn… [IMG] [IMG]
lol. You’re telling me the reason we can’t have a discussion is because I’m disingenuous, while you describe two instances of fraud, then proclaim...
You misspelled Democrat. My takeaway from your post is sorrow for your obsession. I don’t get it. I think about Trump 0.0 times a day.
let’s settle this like men. Let Trump fight that bad dude Corn Pop…winner take all!