It cracks me up that y’all seemingly can’t wrap your heads around how everyone was voting against Trump. The guy literally trolled 65% of the...
Give it a few weeks.
Exactly. If Obama had been born in the southern United States 200 years ago he would have been a slave.
Have you been reading the thread? "They have blood on their hands" "They elected Hamas" Do you feel compassion for Palestinian civilians? I...
Why is this outrageous?
You're growing up right before our eyes. Proud of you.
So when you refer to everyone who doesn't immediately believe Biden is a criminal in the absence of any evidence a "cultist" you're not judging?
Perfectly said.
To repeat for the 100th time I’m not suggesting an alternative solution. That doesn’t mean I’m not bothered by the loss of innocent life. It’s...
No there is a world of difference. The existential threat posed by the Nazis (and in this case their allies) was far more substantial than the...
I'd assume in the tunnels.
I absolutely do NOT expect that. From the very beginning of this thing I’ve supported Israel in their right to fight back. That doesn’t mean I...
Yeah the nukes did though. That’s what we are discussing. That was directed at the guy clamoring for a huge show of force so the war can be “won.”
“And, yes, you are right. They are appalled by Israel dropping bombs that kill civilians even though Hamas operates underground where the bombs...
I think it was the right decision. Completely different situation than this.
A nation attacked also has no obligation to kill 200,000 civilians. Any attack even approaching that level of devestation would almost certainly...
We heard you the first time you made this awful take.
I think that’s what separates terrorists from first world countries.