I think sharing in the profit is key - and something that broke in our system around 50 years ago when we started going away from profit sharing...
No, this isn’t akin to raising HOA dues. This is some of your neighbors not paying their HOA dues leaving the burden on you and other homeowners....
Maybe he’s just really into geometry and hates acute angles?
Tesla is losing market share because there are e EVs being made and sold by other manufacturers than ever before. It sounds bad but Tesla is...
My company would automate everything if we could. The only reason we don’t are technological hurdles. We’ve been incremental increasing it as the...
Thought I’d share my brother’s take on the situation to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy about flying: “He was probably trying to self medicate...
One of my brother’s squadron mates had clinical depression and still flew. It took a number of them to say they’d never fly with him again for...
Hardening soft targets is not a solution to gun violence. It doesn’t address the underlying issue in the slightest.
I wonder if this one has a modified design to carry six missiles instead of four? I know Japan was working on its own variant since China’s...
If true the guy should never fly again in any form, commercial or private, passenger or pilot. This is weird story and carried out so poorly it...
Yes, there is a trusted category for pilots only (flight attendants are not allowed in there for instance) but final approval is entirely up to...
How does an ATC getting sick when there is obviously coverage at all help your point? Surely you see the issue of no ATCs working vs an ATC sick...
i already explained it. Based on every effin ruling in prior games in the same situation. It is very clearly NOT in any way intended to signal a...
No, that was a terrible call. How many times have we all seen a returner waive away his teammates and then decide to return the ball? It’s...
Maybe not, that’s hard to say either way but the reported numbers don’t support such a claim leaving us to take the company’s PR for its word...
So local news in Portland and Seattle examined police callouts and found they don’t support Target’s crime justification - in other words, the...
Honestly surprised that little drone was able to trigger that explosion. Great to see though!
He knows he’s doing something wrong so he put in the disclaimer but doesn’t understand threats of violence aren’t the only thing you can be...
It’s all good. He said “nonviolently” twice.