Organized retail theft is one of the things Target referenced for closing those stores. A single incident of that will likely cost them more than...
According to this article, external theft is larger than internal theft. I’ve always heard the opposite, but never actually looked at the data....
If someone is driving recklessly, over 100 mph, then they should expect the cop to be less than polite when they get pulled over. Driver didn’t...
I have the same question about my pacemaker. Someone please respond quickly.
Seems like an odd choice to rank an unattractive, old man as one of the hottest women in Australia. Maybe they keep the list but use other words...
I try to get a friend to hold large cue cards on the other side of the person I'm attacking. If it doesn't go well, my friend can just hit the...
When they pry it out of my cold, red stained hands.
Then I’m confused about why you disagreed with my comment.
She told him to shake it off.
Here is the video. The police simply relayed that she said she wasn’t in the area to protest. I’m sure that’s what she told them and it very well...
I think it was likely an accident. But she probably hit the car because she was too focused on him, rather than on her driving. There’s a...
It was still in the order that I initially stated, even though you falsely claimed that it wasn’t. The difference is we would still allow...
The reason there were so many people at the checkpoints is because it was announced that the borders were now open. Are you really arguing that...
Berlin Wall was very effective. They tore down the wall after they announced that the border was open.
What a weird thing to be annoyed by.
Yes, well those people are idiots.
Where is the actual quote from Ramaswamy? I don’t see where he said the driver fled the scene. She also clearly honked her horn and flipped him...
So the woman backing out of the parking space and flipping him off isn't the same one that hit his car?
I’m not sure Trump will be able to appoint any capable people if he’s elected. If you are in his circle, you have to be a yes man or your career...
I'm impressed with our 100% FG percentage and hope it carries over from the highlights to games.