It's one less red, so probably :)
Banning a synthetic dye from our food that has been found to cause cancer is the slipperiest slope to communist hell!
Just speculating a bit, but the difference in vaxx status and all-cause mortality rates might be from indirect effects of the pandemic affecting...
It's mistaken to think that healthy people "were never at any real risk." They were. Even if it varies, we are all at some amount of risk. But...
As an ONS spokes stated, the 94% is "highly misleading." Over 85% of the UK pop 12 & over are fully vaccinated and shoots north of 90% with at...
I don't know if that 95% is true or where you got it from but it's not uncommon for percentages to flip respective to population size when...
Obesity (and/or age and/or comorbidities) does not cancel out vaccinations' significant effects in lowering covid death rates among the...
Quite the contrary to being a simple question of where I draw the line, you already drew it in the extreme in your question and expected me to...
There is a positive association between covid death rates (with or without age adjusting) & obesity rates by state but there is an even stronger...
We had one of those near me recently. :)
Sending one or two is a show of deterrence, not necessarily a plan to use them.
War is an inherent part of human existence. What I've tried to get at is the way in which humans seek to justify the morality of war, which isn't...
I get that it's discomforting when "might makes right" arguments are challenged, which is why CT disturbs the powerful and those who parrot their...
My comment was to your argument that it was morally corrupt if one doesn't take any side other than w/Israel. It's a false dichotomy. People can...
A moral position doesn't require taking a side other than against terrorism and violence. It's terribly misguided when in identifying with the...
I shouldn't have written that I didn't see it as much as a trap when that is the impetus for committing such atrocities in the first place.
That's the idea. It's why they put celebrities in commercials. Don't personally have a problem with it, but a minor gripe of mine is how much...
I hear you. I know it is an abstraction. Intentional perhaps. I question the rationality of war even if I'm more or less resigned to war being...
Not rambling. I see what you're getting at. Anti-Semitism is a plague that must be confronted wherever and whenever it rears its ugly head. How...
Killing women and children doesn't have to be the goal. However, it will be the predictable outcome in bombing the hell out of Gaza, an outcome...