7 years sound incredibly lenient. Surmise better. He’s a MAGA loon. Wants to shoot Dems in the face, start a civil war and consumes child...
You’re a fake conservative so…….
Wherein MAGA ineptness at civil war is on display again. They seem more focused on pedophilia. Troubling.
OTOH Brightline Train Hits, Kills Pedestrian On First Day Of Expanded Service Not that it’s an issue of speed. Lived in West Palm for a while...
I think this makes sense in certain runs. Apparently Brightline is building a track from LA to Vegas where the train will run at 200mph....
This game is going to be great for OL development.
So? there’s even a word for the state “Floriduh” I’ts a safe bet that the citizens of Austin feel the same way about all of Texas to the west...
Poorly educated, lower IQ’s and low income is my reasonable estimate.
Less than 20 minutes was an interview with BoneSaws. The other 70 gushed about how great Saudi is. A full on infomercial. Screw the KSA and the...
Oil lobby slowing thing down is my reasonable guess. In all seriousness patience. There’s a LOT going on in battery technology in all corners of...
As an aside I find Tebow haircut incredibly annoying. It’s an absolutely ridiculous look for a man closing in on 40.
Can’t disagree but I liked Sexy Rexy’s attitude.
I offshore that in the caymans. Sounds like Bob should have done the same but in Egypt…
Yeah Kurt Warner isn’t on this list. Know why? He wasn’t always jabbering about Jesus and he was a very good player.
He was a distraction (some of it not his fault) and not a good NFL player. I’ll allow it but he’s at the bottom of that list in my mind.
Way too long a list to read though.
Nope. 100% of outrage is correct. It was not based on the Saudi ownership but rather that it happened at all on a prime time “news” channel. I...
I’m amused by a “doctor” (or is a “dentist”) talking physics. But anyhow… Effectiveness of N95 Mask in Preventing COVID-19 Transmission Herein,...
You are correct. I saw a link dated 2022 but it was about him selling his stake in 2017. So my bad. Still reprehensible and I wonder what quid...