Fix & Biden do not go together unless you're alluding to the bogus 81 million votes.
If you're frightened, wear a mask. If you're not, don't. The problem is the frightened people want the unfrightened people to wear masks to make...
is that reverse psychology?
Here you go: AAPS Statement: Mask Mandates Do Not Prevent Spread of Respiratory Viruses, They Cause Harm, and Violate the Right to Informed...
You won't lose sleep because it's not a dollar. That's absurd. By the time I fill my grocery cart, it's $50+. You can share all the irrelevant...
It's more like $2 more for an item at the grocery store.
The $ is now going to Haley to beat Trump, and the GOP handlers are moving Ron out of the way. Ron cannot win, so in slides the empty vessel...
July-September it is beyond amazing. I love the NW.
None of this is true.
That warmonger, self-centered Uni-Party politician was no servant. He pretended to have integrity, but he didn't.
Not at all, but I don't want billions (113 at this date with 46 billion to nondefense aid) going to the most corrupt country on the planet. We...
DeSantis is pro-Ukraine, and Christie is an embarrassment, not to mention a big fat liar. Christie will be out of politics soon.
Shuffling Biden will give way to Kamala to finish the term soon and then Big Mike will run for Pres with Cali Boy as the VP.
So did anyone who took the shot/s. The shot does not : 1. Keep you from getting Covid 2. Keep you from spreading Covid This is not hot off the...
because they abuse their power and target the opposition.
CNN loves RINO's. NH is the queen RINO. Don't let them fool you.
You can ignore the prior precedent of Attorney General Eric Holder refusing to appear before Congress and give testimony; the rules are different...
Her freedom of speech? That's harassment. We know the left loves to protest. They protest climate and glue themselves to the ground or lay in...
Which is despicable? The "birther" accusations or the Big Mike penis observations?