Plausible deniability for Jimbo, but also reflective of his ability or inability to resurrect falls from grace. Everyone is chasing Saban’s...
“Disconcerting signals”. This is a new phantom ACC penalty.
Good one. Along the same lines as: “Beer goggles” and “good from far, far from good”.
rich people: “vouchers help poor people find a better education.” also rich people: “your child was not accepted to our school.”
As “dirt bags” go, his stream of consciousness riffing is ear candy that challenges a Joycian intellect.
if the jobs don’t exist… why would they cross the border? Have to penalize the employer.
Funny. Did you ask “who the roofing company owner”? You can do your part to turn in the job stealing American business employer hiring said aliens?
He didn’t hold back. Ouch! “Candidates toward whom he is more disposed — he mentioned former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, former South...
I couldn’t find the actual video that AOC tagged and reposted. Just to be clear she basically endorsed the ideas in the New Zealand poster’s...
To Qualified immunity likely protects the officer who was involved in the fatality. but we’re gonna see the investigating officer with a hot...
I keep reading here how terrible he is and a criminal. Should be easy to prove. If he is a criminal, educate the electorate.
House Pubs should present their evidence to the American people. If Joe committed high crimes and misdemeanors, bring the receipts.
He is polling at 8% and falling. He’s not a viable candidate.
you asked politely, so will oblige… At the beach Head in the sand Can’t see the seagulls just having fun with @tampagtr post :D
unless you are purposely not looking [img]
I’m not discounting your personal experiences and truths running dental practices. Please understand that the range of complexity is wide and...
the tax code is complex because business transactions are complex. Why is this myth of simplifying the tax code a thing.
There are some items in your post I want to dispel or try to explain. 1. The IRS is going after taxpayers with income of over $1m that have over...
IRS is fighting massive frauds for refunds and identity theft. This is commoner operating procedure.
I’m going to flood this thread with uplifting things about how Americans came together. [img]