It was a high snap. An error, yes. But hardly the end-of-the-world it’s being made out to be.
Predicting a blowout I see….
Lol. Some uga fans are about to jump off a cliff.
I do like CBN. But there’s some seriously inexcusable stuff going on.
Well. At least we know now that Rising isn’t playing….
Riding home listening to 103.7. At 5, the programming stopped. The pregame began. Yessir. That made my day. Generator running, but Verizon...
Add to that recovering from Idalia. It sure doesn’t feel like a normal opener.
When week four of the season gets here and people are looking at records, the fact Rising was out will be an afterthought.
I’m crossing fingers and hoping for a special teams score (that’s still allowed I think). Maybe a defensive score.
UF 19 UU 17
I predict his wife is unhappy…
Big Dez gonna need two tanks at same time then.
I worry more about the oxygen concentration due to elevation. How long does it take one to get acclimated to that?
I see a bad moon rising. Sorry
Have we really made it to page 9 without a CCR reference?
Spot-on. Rising really impressed me in last year’s game. The team fed-off him. He reminds me of a lot of college QBs from the past hat we’re...
I think you’re correct. He’s definitely the best/most experienced when it comes to SEC play. The transfer at UK is intriguing. The untested kid...
when I started this, I honestly forgot about Jefferson
Geez. Where have I been? Lol I just assumed since he has been playing since the Obama Administration he only had one year.