Consider yourself lucky because a blank screen was better than what I saw last night.
just do it for the first play and drive him into the dirt. Remind him we’re going to be here all blanking night
If Rising plays: [ATTACH]
The thing that got me was the ruthlessness by Urban. Throwing guys off the team on the tarmac, woo buddy. The man did not play! My favorite person...
They are, quite frankly, overhyped. It happens often with them and Miami (in the past). The FSU game last season was disgusting to watch. We lost...
Remember when half the fanbase were saying CRay lost a step on the X app. I swear some of the fanbase are a bunch of bozos!
Take him and figure numbers out later
Those Chads and Karen’s were probably loaded and the alcohol brought out the worst in them. They got what they deserved, if you asked me. These...
Miami to recruits [img]
I’ll say this, I went to UF from 96-2000. So it’s been awhile. Let’s put it this way, I wore sunglasses on campus so that I could enjoy the view...
No coincidence Miami’s recruiting is not nearly as good as last year. Last year they would swooped in and taken some of these guys. So I think you...
I dunno who follows this, but those twins are looking to be wrestlers now Cavinder Twins make WWE TV debut, practice 'WWE signature move'
Desantis is great[img]
We can have a Samoan play aqua man and I wouldn’t care……