The Good Doctor will always be my favorite player, too. He would have more NBA rings if the ABA and NBA had merged before he turned pro. The '83...
Let's make it best of 5.
Their 6-run 2nd inning offense was nothing but dinky singles. Unforced errors (walks and HBP) killed us. Should have only given up 3 runs at most.
Last 2 pitches were high and low. Not strikes. That home plate umpire sucks.
Kirby Smart is only 47. I hope he gets the NFL itch.
Kirby should have Jerry Meyerhoff on his ballot or he should at least send him a bottle of champagne.
Total mismatch. TCU doing more spectating than covering and tackling.
I like Ike. And Nattiel. And Reidel.
You could blindfold that LSU kicker, spin him around in a circle 100 times, and he'd nail it straight through the uprights every time.
Day definitely screwed up the play calls on 1st and 2nd down, but Stroud should have taken off running from the scramble on the 3rd down play. He...
Leghumpers luck out again.
SWAC mostly improved via the portal.
Looked it up... It looks like 3 for 25 yards. They must have all been in the 1st half. They were SEC officials. Probably the same incompetent crew...
That was offside twice in a row. Did the Semis have a single penalty in this game?
"Santa Clown is coming to town."
With 3 straight bowl losses, our all-time bowl record fell to 24-24. Hopefully, we can start again to take these bowl games more seriously in the...
" win some. You lose some..." - AR
Woo-hooo!!!!!!!!!! 3 Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Billy was 9-years-old when we were shut out last time. I think the 9-year-old Billy could have coached up as well as the modern day version.
One last chance to keep the streak alive.