Then remind him it was only 3rd down
if a coach gives up on the season, how can you not expect the players to follow his lead, and how can a coach in good conscience criticize a...
will the last team leaving the pac12 turn out the lights, the party is over
no, but telling people not to leave their homes and then going out to eat, i believe w/o masks, is libby hypocracy 101
And I hope they arrest Newsom for eating at that fancy restaurant during the height of covid when he told people to stay home,hypocrite.
maybe in the future he needs to stay here and not coach overseas, did not help us at all this year, has it in the past?
all of this just goes to show how far off the intended purpose of NIL has strayed, call it like it is, pay for play and maybe do 1 or 2 photo-opps...
then we are in deep,deep doo-doo?if so walton really dropped the ball on this.
who out there is left?
so you say we have a chance??????
funny on Vawter, the portal site said she was going to be in japan until august 7th, did she bring along a south carolina jersey with her?
Worthless without pictures
where is susan lucci when we need her?
Off the ledge, off the ledge
tell that to the millions of able-bodied individuals gaming the the welfare system.
enforce the funding of the government or fleecing the masses, you tell me, have you been audited by those clowns?
simple, just get rid of 10,000 new irs agents, problem solved,next.
so inept joe is worse on the economy than a year ago, right?
then when gas was 5 dollars a gallon the economy must have been through the roof, so now it is not as red hot as then since gas is down in price...
hey, don't be so hard on yourself, or inept joe.