Not sure if any of you have paid any attention, other than what mainstream media has said, about any of these whistleblowers that have come...
I applaud you in the fact that you have chosen too not be so hypocritical to just tell others what to do while not conserving personally. But of...
Only the thousands that we are letting in across the border!!!!
Why a "come on man" Enviro? If this is such an important thingy what steps have you taken personally? Lead by example!!
I assume since co2 admissions is such a problem you are moving about on a bicycle or electric car, charged only by solar power charging stations?...
Not possible that the trillions pumped in DUE to COVID and the recovery of shutdowns DUE to COVID had any effect? Must have been the old Lyer in...
Saw thread title thought you guys finally came around to discussing the falsities in Al's "Inconvenient Truth"!
So, these ice core sample give us the ambient temperature from thousands of years ago? So from that we can claim this is the hottest year ever?...
Or maybe.......... you do all that randomly and anyone found not following protocol gets punished to the fullest extent of the law. Or..... just...
Well then maybe that is what needs to be done!! How many people could die from 200 MG of.... Rician, Fentanyl, Anthrax. Maybe the WH should take...
When you say the hottest year on record, when did we start recording temperatures so we can compare this year's temperatures to that allows a...
I thought Biden reduced the deficit and the economy was great. What did I miss???
The supposedly most secure place on this planet and they can't figure out who it belongs to? Cameras, logs, security all around and they can't...
At this point, social media is almost as reliable as the news media!!!!!
Thanks, THIS is the kind of dialog that can move the needle. Even though I don't agree totally with you, I agree with your premise and don't take...
At the end of the day, it is more important to learn the how and not the who committed this breach of security, but when the how comes out we...
Nail meet Hammer!!! This is exactly right; it is very concerning that there is a demand for her kind of politics. This did not happen overnight,...
Ok you can criticize anyone you want!!! You happy now!! I answered your question.
Really rich!!!!!! Can't get 3 replies into any thread about anything that "you guys" don't bring up comparison to Trump. I guess the shoe doesn't...
Wow!!!! you can't even keep your brain-dead guys straight you have so many!!! We were talking about Congressmen, so pause just a second and think...