Even the victim didn’t know he was his state Senator. The outrage!
I know this is a joke, but have you looked at the stock market, low taxes, real estate values, and 401k? It’s a flippn’ grey millennium! Kinda...
The prevailing wage and apprenticeship rules in the IRA are good. I wish there was more like that in economic bills. TBD if these investments...
It feels more like a press on Trump to not blow up the GOP. Also, doesn’t mean “vote”. Article says just to endorse and not run as an independent.
The good thing is we know how to warm it up during the next ice age.
Glad he got a haircut. Otherwise I couldn’t care less.
Didn’t click on the tweet, but begs the question… why no Weird Al version of the Guess Who song for this thread? [MEDIA]
Should be interesting to see how Harvard approaches this. I hope they increase enrollment and eliminate legacy. Federal Complaint Says Harvard...
the “separate but equal” party.
NSFW. A oldie funny Hasan Minhaj Patriot Act episode on the case. [MEDIA]
Good response. Focused on what he was doing. I thought it was cringy to mention oiled up body builders. All men are the same, ultimately —...
Why did they cut off her statement? She then said she did not go to a feeder school and she grew up in a small town in Colorado. She had good...
On the fence about this. I would replace with something like a Duckworth “grit” score.
Fertilizer — solar panels — batteries — EU strategic reserves —Moroccan fears — China export controls — carbon intensive — abundant. A globalized...
Science seems interesting, but sounds like a bad idea with no control. It can be done unilaterally by zealots. Sounds like a WME (weapon of mass...
Just to be clear, I am not directing anything to you directly. You got my point. The practical answer you supplied is a “separate but equal”...
Incorrect. If you want to discriminate on my life choices because of your beliefs, bring the receipts that you are living according to God’s...
Is there a uniform list of all Christian views that is published somewhere? Is there a set of laws somewhere that all Christians must follow? So...
This list covers a lot of people, regardless of race. Maybe the issue is more charging and seeking convictions in a uniform way. Sounds like the...
Thought this an interesting read with respect to your post… IQ And EQ: New Study Finds That High-IQ People Also Have More Emotional Intelligence