either that or they are really stupid terrorists.
that is stupid, offensive is offensive no matter who says it, it is clear you just want to perpetuate a arguement on who should be allowed to use...
how dense are you? the word should never be used, again, especially by those who say it offends them.
then what is the basis for the rule, there must be some reason behind it
you do not seem to have the ability to grasp my meaning. i will go slow for you, if the word is so offensive no one should use it,ever,...
i am german, so the word kraut offends me, and if i hear other germans using it i tell them not to.too many people want a free pass as to what...
like i posted above, they have no problem using it or not calling out other african-americans for using it, it does not cut both ways, either it...
have libbies offered to pay for councelling for the poor traumatized girl?
and there, imo, is the main problem with that word. if it is so offensive to african-americans they should never use it, yet they do all the time,...
so if electronic devices were illegal in that classroom it is ok if she caught him using the word?2 wrongs do not make a right, either phones were...
Amid Title 42's expiration, this broke blue state is considering unemployment for illegal immigrants god can this state sink into the pacific already
wow, guess the schooling really did work....
yeah, giggles harris could have been in charge...
well biden going to the right will never happen
to japan? we can only hope
obviously they did not learn better, but much worse. schools should have been re-opened on a year round basis if needed to teach children properly.
they were kept closed way longer than needed, again, bowing to the teachers unions over education of children
'Devastating': Pandemic learning loss needs urgent attention in U.S., national survey finds just confirms what many knew, school closures on the...
yeah, we take all those wanting to flee blue states
would you be ok if i called her marilyn?