Disagree, every thread is always the same, 'it's the guns you idiots!!'. LOL, 'Nobody wants to take your guns, we just want to take your guns'....
You're correct, we've turned into a shithole country but it's not the gun's fault.
LOL, if support for our constitututional rights makes me a gun nut, then so be it.
The fact that these freaking mentally deficient psycho's feel the overwhelming need to kill innocent people and then suicide themselves, is a new...
Yep, don't believe for a second that was a low level marketing decision.
As any one of these post psycho shooter threads demonstrate, Constitution means zip to the lefties... [IMG]
People get canceled, not companies.
You can get a 36 pack at costco for 15 bucks. :eek: [MEDIA]
Walenski jumping ship...CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Resigns, Citing Pandemic Transition
That's kind of the point...whole thing is one big nothing burger topped with hyperbole.
Well if he's not talking about sex then what's all the hubub about? Sounds a bit paranoid to me.
Is the overwhelming need for teachers to talk to young students about their sex life a new phenomenon? Don't remember this at all growing up.
Just picture if you will the day when the ultra, superduper tolerant encounter their first prominent maga hat wearing trans person...:emoji_joy:
I still don't get why teachers can't just freaking teach and dispense with all the theatrics, everyone isn't out to get gay/trans people in...
Some marginalized are more equal than others.
So now there's women and men allofasudden? Funny shit.
A frustrated Utah couldn't be reached for comment...
Don't let 'em fool you, lefties chubby big time at legislation such as this.
Indiana county councilman comes out as woman of color. :emoji_joy: