Talent level has already seen tremendous improvement. This doesn’t mean that we don’t a long way to go. It just says that last year was the...
Pure incompetence. Possibly not pure, with a percent or two of arrogance.
The problem with FSU is that have always been , well, FSU.”
How can a woman whose last name is Semenya not have elevated testosterone?
Question: If Jazz Jennings we’re competing in a track meet; How long before and how long after the competition for her to take out and put in her...
They are capable of, and allowed to screw themselves!
You’ll never convince him.
Agree. Mayfield has the skills of Jimmy G, with the attention span and work ethic of Cam Newton. He is actually the perfect guy to have on the...
I always hated playing Auburn up there.
I think he’s going for the $. No one goes to the Jets to win.
Tough month for Rays beoadcasting
You are correct on this. The subprime mortgage backed securities were virtually worthless with the number of delinquencies and foreclosures. I....
My blame items were not sequential or mutually exclusive of one another. They all played a part in this collapse. You are the one getting pissy...
Pissy? Take a good look in the mirror when you shave this morning. I pointed out the obvious. You are trying to defend the stupid. Dodd Frank...
You’re suspicion is correct.
Yes, more and more people who listen idiotic bullshit from the mainstream and social media rather than use their own good judgement and common...
That is nonsense and you know it.
Don’t let your hatred for DeSantis cloud your better judgement. DEI has taken on a life of its own in many, if not all corporate cultures. At a...
I had a very animated debate with a young woman at a bar back in 2020 when Florida opened back up for business. She basically thought that I was...
Well, those lockdowns were a very large part of all of the economic idiocy of the last three years. It’s not unreasonable at all to debate that.