Human Verification More updates - it really surprises me that the Russian's continue to waste valuable missiles on civilian targets when they are...
straight Russian propaganda. I mean short of drafting 10 million people or using nukes what aren’t they doing?? Lol
Human Verification I’m surprised Russia hasn’t been able to complete this conquest of bakhmut. I wonder if they’ve culminated? Ps- you can skip...
I mean words matter. Counter offensive - meaning they are supporting a nation that was attacked in an effort to regain their own territory. all...
fair enough. It just bothers me when I see even the faintest hint that someone is painting nato as an aggressor. Because it just ain’t so in this...
proxy didn’t bother me. Offensive bothered me. Nato has not been on the offensive.
Sure you can be in a proxy war. Of course. But nato is on the defensive. If they were on the offensive long range missiles would be raining down...
No. NATO is not on the offensive via proxy. What an absurd statement. NATO was NEVER going to attack Russia. Ever. In the struggle between...
that’s what they did last time kind of Hopefully it works again.
Something really bad would have to happen for NATO to go "on the offensive" in Ukraine. Like REALLY bad. Like the war spreading to other regions -... It’s...
Human Verification Russia definitely has the initiative right now. Generally from a massive advantage in manpower. Given their massive losses for...
How is bakhmut a colossal defeat? Lol what a clown.
Did I say that?
that is full on crazy. Wow. Lol I can’t believe anyone would believe that.
I laugh every time someone says they are right of center because they are "practical" Like they low key are saying everyone else that doesn't...
HEY for all of you who thought the DEI admin was so pervasive and powerful: Additionally, only one of the employees in the Office of Outreach and...
People like this make me physically sick. I can't believe DeSantis brought this buffoon to the state of Florida. The phrase "mission-aligned"...
Human Verification It does look like the Russians will finally be able to claim they took Bakhmut. Ukraine should probably withdraw soon and find...
I’m sorry, what war did the boomers win? Or gen x for that matter although I don’t see them thumping their chests so much about how great they...