shipman, sister played at tennessee
until the ncaa does something about the transfer portal, teams like OU and UCLA will just reload, lose 4 all-americans, 4 transfer in, all chasing...
great meet, but vault is killing us.
now name the singer
glad you know the song...
but the song says " it never rains in california " was it lying?
i long for the day that i will be missed, i think some here hope it is soon.....
not to be cruel, but alot of people thought this would play out, he will resign and another democrat takes his place.
he is consistant in his spiel, ie immigrants commit less crime, guest work visas are the panacea for the crapshow at the border, over and over...
understand sarcasm do you?
this reminds me of the ballons the japanesse sent across the pacific in ww2 armed, one actua;ly killed a woman i believe in montana or north dakota.
jimmy carter was a actor, i thought he was a peanut farmer?
but can he read and think on his own, ie w/o the telestrator?
no live scoring then?
at least he does not take food and water through a feeding tube,lol.
not all 24/7, got to cover hunter and his laptop.......
always thought tough meets payed off in the end
i mean he has had.what,50 years of practice, you would think it sunk in by now.
thank you for your concern about my posts about slow, old, senile joe. many more to follow
biden doesn't even cut up his own food, much less actually do manual labor.