I think if you use your kids as props in a pro-Trump ad that qualifies you as a MAGA Republican. It also qualifies you as a despicable pos.
WaPo opinion piece. Nice tweet by NYC mayor Eric Adams. Regardless, any comparison between Florida and New York does not serve DeSantis well. In...
He's not a one issue voter. He votes for his tribe, pretty much no matter what. He uses abortion as a rationale for voting against things he...
Opinion | Nikki Haley Threw It All Away As a former Republican political operative who worked in South Carolina presidential primaries, I look at...
Why are you so unhappy all the time then?
Utter BS. A government leader spending money on legal things is very different than a government leader spending money on illegal things. What...
He's comparing spending tax dollars on legal things we don't like to spending tax dollars on illegal things we don't like. There is a difference.
Because a book about Roberto Clemente was in a library?
No, that's not what I meant. Both threads are about the same fundamental thing but the details are different. I like your thread title better too.
You can pretty easily combine this thread and this one: Now the Desantis censorship has really gone stupid! They're both about white power.
I think it's fair to be shocked by what DeSantis did here. I can't point to any other governor who has done it. Even Abbott, though he's just...
DeSantis, hypocrite on guns. Wanted Tampa to ban guns at his event, but wanted Tampa to take the blame....
All just deflection from DeSantis's despicable act. They actually printed up brochures with the lies on them in English and Spanish.
Do you have an example of NYC paying for migrants to be bussed from Chicago or Boston to to Canada? Because that's what I was asking for.
Not just morally wrong, illegal.
Talking to yourself again?
The mayor of NYC is lying to immigrants so he can get them on a plane in Texas to send them to Martha's Vineyard? And using NYC tax dollars to do it?
Just more bothsidesism. Seeing that a lot from you lately, especially when it comes to DeSantis. But unless you can find me an example of a Dem...
There you go again. Attempting to justify DeSpicable behavior by DeSantis.
So you figure running ads and spreading misinformation about one's opponent has no impact on elections? If so, politicians sure are wasting a lot...