You were right!
Umm Canada is a part of NORAD literally one of the three HQ’s is in a Canadian air base. You do know what NORAD stands for right? I’m have a...
Hope you have fun. Pro tip you shouldn’t show them your posts here.
Good lord. This is the worst case scenario with Trump and his stolen classified documents. He made digital copies. Who know who he sold them...
Biden administering some consequences...
China keeps sending balloons and Biden keeps knocking them down. Excellent idea to capture the first one to see what they’re carrying....
This is pretty funny. Elon fired what been described as one of the company’s best software engineers for telling him that his “engagements” on...
it’s because Trump wasn’t at all interested in doing the job of President and everyone around him knew it.
Umm giving that we saw it from the 21st it’s 100% certain we did.
Incorrect! In the link I posted earlier we tracked the balloon starting on Jan 21 way before it was close to The US.
Well there you go from over a year ago. Think the nattering nitwits will shut up? LOL. Let’s face it the Trump admin was a bunch of losers who...
There’s a theory no one told him on purpose because let’s face it he’s nuts.
That’s right! I remember those stories. I think they even had blimps. Never heard another story after that. Somehow I don’t think the...
From Faux News (JG is a great pentagon correspondent). The Baloon was tracked from nainland China on Jan 21st. It crossed the Aleutian Islands...
Child endangerment and even porn all over Twitter. Elon fired everyone so there’s about 25 people working on it. Great job Elon! Elon Musk...
I bet they’re efforts effective, but still no good for America. I have no use for aggrieved billionaires
Interesting. Seems like a big deal. How would this compare to SS battery tech that Nissan said they’ll roll out by 2028?
Pretty sure the pentagon called it a spy ballon as well
Yeah but he gets a demerit for threatening to disable them because some people were being mean to him.
Say goodbye to the stars….