Trump is toast and a democrats best friend. He will guarantee a democrat wins the next election. I look at trump running for president like RBG...
I feel differently. That’s why I intentionally move into subdivisions with deed restrictions that are enforced. There are plenty of places to...
Adequate sniper fire causes the opponent to fret and worry at all times and is very demoralizing. Although a small part it’s one of the scariest...
I’m a big fan of picking off officers with sniper fire. All times of the day and night.
I’m not a fan of grape flavoring so I won’t be eating the purple ones.
As I posted earlier. This conflict is a testing ground for a lot of NATO weapons. It also gives China an idea what NATO capabilities are, good...
I think it is individualism as RD puts the choice in the hands of the person(s) themselves. Can’t get any more individual than that.
Can’t think of a better way than real combat to test your military equipment. Ukraine is becoming NATOs testing grounds.
Now thats the type of woman who believes in 2A.
Angry beavers are everywhere. Lol
How’s the cost of auto insurance compare EV vs fuel?
I see people dally wearing masks with many of them below their nose. Lol Maybe they are mouth breathers?
curious where federal funds come from? do the feds print the money?
This makes global warming a positive. ;)
Not all people have small children in their homes. You do what’s needed for each circumstance to keep every family member safe.
Homeowner to robber. Would you please wait here while I go to the safe and get my gun. Owner returns with gun and points it at robber. Uh...
Maybe the bumper sticker “gas, grass, or ass, nobody rides for free” was invented down that way?
fwiw My best friend growing up brother (James Shirley) got shot down in Nam while flying a cobra. He was super lucky as his injury’s were minor....
Dugger, if you’re responding to me, no need. I have you on ignore and can’t see and don’t want to see your post. I only see your name pop up.
6 is below the age of accountability. An arrest will not stick. There can be punishment from the school and parents.