I really can’t get a good take on Desantis. I hope he is saying and doing this nonsense to be more popular with the ignorant base of the...
Sarah Palin was a joke but Condi I would vote for in a heartbeat.
If only the Republicans were fiscally conservative. It’s as if they tossed out why I liked being a republican and doubled down on the stuff that...
45 years old? I think he got about as much out of his body as he can. Will he go to the broadcast booth? Or will he really retire?
How did he get a degree? Don’t you need a degree to coach in college football. I looked it up. He graduated in 2020 with a business degree from...
I can’t remember the last time I had an m and m. I used to like them.
Since when have there been purple M and Ms?
Who is India’s bigger enemy China or Pakistan? If it’s China supporting Russia seems a bad move.
I am and I also think we should stop deficit spending but it’s wrong to decouple the two.
My guess is uga pays big bucks to keep this from going to discovery. A whole lot of embarrassing nonsense gets outed in discovery.
At 6 4 and a junior, he might grow into a defensive lineman.
It seemed that in the past we treated Russia with kid gloves. Fearing the unthinkable. Now that we have called their bluff they are reduced to...
You summarized my point precisely.
What were Putin’s arguments that were worthy of not being ignored. He seemed more like a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum about not...
I remember Bundy in his last days said he had killed dozens more and would reveal the locations of the bodies if they gave him more time. I think...
Hypersonic cruise missiles.
You can say it as much as you want but how do you know it. Saying doesn’t make it true. The Russians are indiscriminately bombing civilians. They...
Neither was the European part of ww2. If someone had stopped hitler in Poland or the sudatenland maybe we could have avoided 50 million dead.
My grandfather golfed into his 90s. He stopped counting strokes and started counting the number of balls he would find. He typically would find...
Do they though? Their billionaire is now a hundred millionaire. Could be circling the drain.